Patreon Creator Referral Rules

Jointz Admin

The Patreon referral program allows you to earn cash for referring creators to Patreon. When the referred creator gets patrons of their own, both you and the referred creator are paid a cash bonus from Patreon. This bonus varies based on the number of patrons the referred creator gets in their first month and the current referral rate.

These rules are part of our terms of use. To participate in our referral program you must agree to these rules.

How does it work?

You can refer a creator by sending a referral link from If they sign up using the link then you are both eligible for the bonus. If the referred creator gets patrons within their first month, then both of you will receive a cash bonus from Patreon based on the referred creator’s total number of patrons.

You might see an alternate referral program based on total earnings. This is accessible to all creators on the platform once we are confident an account is within our terms of use. Referral programs are very easy to abuse and so we want to make sure we have time to review every referral case to avoid fraud.

If you receive an e-mail link to this alternate referral program, we’ll match 50% of their earnings within the first 30 days. You’ll also receive a 50% dollar match of their earnings!

How does it work?

Referral invites do not expire. However, we can only guarantee the terms of the invite for up to 30 days after the invitation was sent.

If an invite is used more than 30 days after it was sent, you will be subject to the new rates and new terms if the program has changed.


Any abuse of this referral program is a breach of our terms of use. We may take action against the account as described in the terms. We may also remove any bonus added to an account as a result of the abuse or recover the value of the bonus from other processed pledges.

Changes and Termination

We reserve the right to make changes to this referral program, the referral rate, and these rules at any time. We may also terminate this referral program or any user’s participation in the program at any time and for any reason.

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